Sunday, February 10, 2008

Separation or Coexistence?

As the number of presidential candidates dwindles, those who would attempt to influence our vote are already pointing out religious differences between the remaining choices. I can see it coming - we'll end up focusing way too much on "faith" and ignore important platform issues like foreign policy and health care. After all, remember the 11th-hour subcampaign in 2000 where prominent Christians put on the full-court press? Such a campaign against either of the current Democratic frontrunners could have even more impact (after all, they've already attacked each others' faith!).
So, before it happens, let's discuss how important religious differences between the candidates should or should not be. To begin, I have a problem with the anonymous characterization that the Supreme Law of Our Land provides for the "separation of church and state." In fact, the provision states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Free exercise by those who govern as well as by those who are governed. Sounds more like "coexistence" than "separation." Second, as diverse as our nation is, shouldn't I expect the possibility that the one individual most qualified to hold the office of president has different religious views than I have?

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Fair Game

Cool, Day 2 and I already got a comment!

Let me clarify a few things. First of all, I have already changed the name of the blog to "The Newest Crisis." This is to avoid any confusion related to The New Crisis, the publication started by W.E.B. DuBois dedicated to advancement of civil rights (I would suggest taking a look at that one, some pretty good articles). Second, I don't just want to discuss the frustrating topic of politics. Anything is fair game. I've been having fun already with this blog; I've posted two lists so you'll know a little about me. My ten favorite bands/artists and my ten favorite movies (both are in alphabetical order). Tell me what you think.

Also, I have included links to some of the sites I visit regularly. Some are just fun, but others are loaded with information I consider quite useful.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

The New Crisis

I must begin by defining what I mean by "the new crisis." In my travels around this, the greatest country in the world, I encounter a growing number of people who have decided they no longer need to think for themselves. We believe what we see on television. We align ourselves with a popular school of thought. We're too busy or too unconcerned to find out what's really going on around us. We're too into "reality shows" to participate in reality.

These should be the times that try men's souls, but it does not appear so.

Many Americans, I think, feel as I do. If you are one, I would like to meet you and read your thoughts. Welcome to The New Crisis.